Interview par mail d‘un groupe autrichien vraiment marrant que nous vous ordonnons de découvrir !
Ils seront en France pour 3 dates :
Le 12 décembre au Trabendo, Paris
Le 13 décembre à la Laiterie, Strasbourg
Le 14 décembre au Ninkasi Kao, Lyon
Un style inimitable, bizarre, metal, traditionnel, funky, délirant, pince sans rire, le tout en costumes traditionnels « dirndl » et culottes de peau !
Ils font des tonnes de concerts, ils ont des milliers de fans en Europe.
En toute franchise, cet esprit nimporte nawak (mais de vrais pros…) est plaisant et donne le sourire.
Dans la langue de Shakespeare, leurs réponses à nos questions et on se mord les doigts de les avoir ratés en vrai, alors… tous aux concerts !
Hi there we are Songazine Webzine.
Sorry I could not make it for the interview but hereafter a few questions et we’ll post an article asap. Thanks Roger and Olivier who made it possible also !
Answer as you like, short and crisp 🙂
Q1 : Are you the most funny austrian band ever ? 🙂
You´ll better be the judge of that. But we surely do have a lot of fun doing what we do 🙂
Q2 : Your video clips are really great : how do you write/ prepare them ?
We are just waiting for the right idea to come up – and then we start shooting.
Q3 : Do you sometimes think of writing romantic or sad songs ?
We´ve already done it, check out ’Sin’ on ‘time to tango’. But it´s certainly not our main strength or desire.
Q4 : Where should I buy the best « Lederhosen » ?
Come to Austria or Bavaria, there are now a lot of small tailor´s shops who are doing a great job designing and tailoring them.
Q5 : A serious one : are you worried by politics in your country ?
Sometimes, of course. But nowadays politics are something to worry all over the globe, these days it´s unfortunately not only an austrian thing.
Q6 : What bands would you dream playing with in a festival ?
Since some of us are huge fans: Rage Against The Machine – this year we played right before Prophets Of Rage at the Download Paris, that was the second best thing. We´ve already played with Skindred and Sevendust who are great bands too. Playing with Seeed would also be great fun.
Q7 : What message for the French people who still do not know you ?
Check us out – otherwise you´ll miss something entertainingly weird.
Q8 : Your number one objective for the next 12 months ?
To play more concerts and write new songs.
Q9 : One story of a weird thing that happened to you on tour ?
The first thing that comes to mind: A fan in the Netherlands visited one of our first gigs there and made us all sign a 50 Euro banknote after the show. Consequently, he came back for the next concerts and after every one we´d to sign a larger note for him, up to the 500.- bill. There some seriously besmirched Euro-bills roaming around up there.
Kind regards and a warm hug to you lady+ guys !