Nadeah sort très bientôt un nouvel album, que nous avons écouté en avant- première et déjà chroniqué.
Lucky you ! En 2016 vous entendrez son nom, sinon on boude, car elle est douée. Nous l’avons interviewée avant tout le monde et voici ses réponses ; à son image : directes, drôles et sincères.
Nous les avons laissées en V.O. car nous ne doutons pas que vous comprendrez, dear friends and kind Songazine readers.
Songazine a écouté et aimé ton nouvel album; quels sont les premiers échos que tu en reçois ?
Yours. And they were excellent! Honestly, you almost made me cry. Maybe it’s just my hormones or Christmas or something but I felt like someone actually got it after 2 years of feeling like no one really got it and everyone just wanted a repeat of my last album.
Que t’a apporté Robb Ellis pour ce disque ?
I needed to get started on the album but I had about 5 versions and directions for each song and I was lost. Each bad member and person had a different opinion and I didn’t know what I thought. In a way, because rob was not as precious about the music (because the songs were not his babies) he just went with whatever and that at least got it started. But I really needed Marc Collin to hone it in as it was sounding way to much like 4 musicians playing in a big room. Which is fine, except that I have been there and done that. Other than that, he brought a lot of Chartreuse. There were a lot of empty
bottles at the end of that session.
Petit challenge : comment décrire ta musique en 5 mots ?
Don’t know what to say? (That’s 5 words)
Or: Rock pop alternative disco grapefruit
2016 sera une année riche pour le live ? As-tu déjà quelques dates planifiées ?
Private shows yes and a live in PARIS: 14 March Café de la Danse, the rest is still en cours.
Rêvons un peu : le disque a du succès …dans un an, tu fais un concert où ?
In my home town, at The Palace Theatre, or Lollapalooza, or Royal Albert hall again (I played with Nouvelle Vague). And if it had to be in France, Le Grand Rex because it’s the only place I haven’t played (apart from Bercy and Stade de France which I doubt I’ll ever play- big places are it’s not my thang anyway !)
La femme est l’avenir de l’homme : (chez Songazine nous en sommes convaincus 😉 est-elle aussi celle du rock ?
I don’t like to play genders off against each other. I love men. I work mostly with men because women are hard work. I think creativity is creativity. Whether it comes through a man or a woman I don’t really give a shit. But it is hard to be a woman in music in France. Much more than in the other countries I’ve worked in (UK, USA). If you know what you want you are perceived as crazy
or aggressive and that’s a drag. The sad part is because CD’s aren’t selling, the industry is scared and a little bit stuck because it needs a new workable model and it doesn’t have one. The industry needs to grow some balls and get inventive again. Maybe the women have all the balls for now, but there aren’t many of them in the industry side of the music.
Que faisais-tu le 13 novembre dernier ?
I was in Australia calling all my friends in Paris to find out if they were ok
Tu aimes la France, tu es très intégrée: dis-nous comment tu décris notre pays à des amis australiens ?
I don’t really know France. I know Paris so I tell people the bakeries are amazing. The people are very good looking and thin but they complain a lot, administration is a nightmare and if you want anything you need to lick ass like it’s nobody’s business and be super polite even if the staff are rude to you and then you might get what you want. But you can also lose you’re shit and no one
will hold it against you.
The weather is chaotic, the cinemas are cheap, the city is absolutely beautiful and easy to get around but because of the admin and all the paper work I see Paris like that really hot girl you wanted to go out with and when you finally do you are so proud to walk down the street with her (even if behind the scenes she is a temperamental pain in the ass). It’s a strange place for me Paris.
Es-tu consciente que les auditeurs français ne comprennent pas 100% de tes paroles ?
Yes: that’s why I made this album simpler lyrically than the last. Half of them didn’t know what as asylum on New Year’s Eve was. Or a quadriplegic. So I have chilled out on the subject matter.
Pourquoi Adele vend-elle 1 container par jour de disques et pas d’autres, au moins aussi doués et plus originaux ?
She says it herself- luck! You do not make your own luck. She has a killer voice and is good songwriter and is natural. I think it helps in the UK to not be stereotypically supermodel-ish as there is a lot of judgement in the UK if you’re
too « perfect » looking.
Think Thom York. He’s the perfect British rockstar.
Avec Nouvelle Vague, feras-tu encore des apparitions /concerts ?
I still do from time to time, usually in. Faraway places like Brazil so I can wake up in the morning and drink from coconuts.
Roland est un séquenceur capricieux ! Sera-t-il licencié ou seulement corrigé ?
I am going to fire him. He’s a pain in the ass. I am old school. Fuck machines; we are not friends.
Quel conseil donnes-tu à une jeune chanteuse douée qui veut se lancer ?
Oh dear! Don’t do it!!! But if you have to, please do a yearlong music business degree first so you can run your own label and understand how to make your own model.
Oh and learn Protools/Logic/Cubase so that you are autonomous and don’t need anyone when you want to put an Idea down. That is freedom.
Ton coup de cœur musical 2015 ?
The Do’s last album. I listened to on repeat all last winter (I was in Australia so it was summer)
Un message pour nos lecteurs ?
Be nice to each other- don’t knock each other over in the street. Men, give up your Métro seats for women and for Christs sakes, to those who smoke, especially in Paris, stop throwing your fucking mégots on the pavement. Stop polluting the streets and the oceans you selfish fucks and have a bit more class. It’s not that hard to find a rubbish bin.
Oh and peace ; )
(Can I say that?)
Propos recueillis par Jérôme “Franglish boy” V.
Un grand merci à Charles, H.I.M.MEDIA pour son aide précieuse !